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Brothers Tony and Joe Burns owners of Burns Gym, Glasgow have compiled this amazing body of work, An Outstanding You with a drive to help people pick themselves off the ground running and to reach their full potential.


An Outstanding You takes a dive into the need to attain set out goals and dreams. It goes a step further to guide you on how best to go about setting and achieving your goals irrespective of environmental or human factors.


The introductory chapter "setting your goals for motivation" will run you through the power of the extra push; that certain push (motivation) that gets things done. It sheds light on why you should "believe in yourself" and ultimately "be yourself" as this creates productivity in the worlds of business, education, sports et al.


The 7 chaptered book as authored by Burns Gym will take you on a joyous ride through your success journey and help you be better in whatever you find yourself in.


Refund Policy- There is a no refund policy as this is a digital product.

An Outstanding YOU e-book

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